Everything they did was a plus for our entire system. We had no knowledge of our needing this type of service. We certainly thank you and your service!
— R.G., Arizona

Our Duct Sealing Technology Cuts Mobile Homeowner's Energy Bills

The construction methods used to build mobile homes, the moving process, the way they are connected at their final destination and their overall design make mobile homes particularly susceptible to duct leakage. Nearly ten million Americans live in mobile homes and as it turns out, they are as interested in energy savings and indoor comfort as those living in apartments, condos and more traditional site-built homes.

While traditional homes leak on average 10 to 30%, ductwork in mobile homes can leak by 50% or more. That’s half the air being heated by the furnace or cooled by the air conditioner escaping out to nowhere. Wasted energy. Uncomfortable homes. Call us today to see how Aeroseal can reduce your mobile home energy consumption and save you money every month.